Hidden in huge laboratories, old hangars or in the middle of desolated moors, a race of beings inhabits. Their giant metalic arms forge and handle with elemental energies of nature. Some of them seem mechas from the future and many others, coelenterate cyborgs. They are capable of a terrible and divine power, as that which served to Zeus from Olympus: the ray.
They carry a timeless existence, unknown to most mortals. As forgotten gods. Under his steely exoskeleton, beats a dielectric heart which synthesizes food for the human civilization, silently : generating, transforming, pulsing…
Serve this article as a tribute to this noble lineage:

Do you know any others noteworthy HV giants?
Read it in Spanish!
y sí que sé otra Cockcroft Walton … este objeto es también el tema de mi investigación académica. Disfruté de su pequeño texto sobre estos gigantes de metal.
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dándole las gracias
PS: Lo siento, yo no practico la lengua española desde la escuela … tengo que recibir ayuda de google!
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Un saludo.